monthly Starter special

Lemongrass Chicken Skewers

What's in the box?

Marinated diced chicken thighs


Pickled carrots and daikon


Bamboo skewers

Equipment needed

Grill or frying pan

Chopping board and knife

One large or two small plates to serve

Cooking time

10 minutes

Step 1 - Prepare

Remove all ingredients from the fridge 30 minutes before cooking to allow them to reach room temperature.

Place skewers in a bowl of cold water to soak for 10 minutes, this ensures they do not burn during cooking.


If using a grill, turn it on to preheat on a medium heat.

Remove chicken from the bag and slide equal amounts onto the 4 skewers.

Set aside until ready to cook (see Step 2).


Rinse the coriander in water to remove any dirt, then:

Lime – cut in half.

Coriander - Chop finely with a knife or scissors. We prefer to use scissors to chop herbs as it doesn't bruise them so easily.

Pickles - Place on the side of your plate. We like to use one plate to share the starter but if you prefer you can split this over two smaller plates.

Step 2 - Cook

Place the chicken skewers under the grill for 8-9 minutes, turning once. Keep an eye on them so they do not burn and turn the heat down as required.

Alternatively you can fry the skewers. Heat a little oil in a frying pan on a mediumheat and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden. Check the chicken is cooked through by slicing a large piece in half and ensuring the juices run clear and it is no longer pink.

Step 3 - Serve

Place the skewers on the plate with the pickle. Squeeze over half of the lime and scatter the coriander leaves.


Fresh coriander will give spice, and texture if you also add the stalks (finely chopped), zingy lime brings it to life so use the remaining half to add more to your taste. The sweet and sour pickles will also add balance to the heat of the dish. They all change the flavour slightly so do not add too much at once but experiment to find the perfect mouthful for you!